Member Benefits

As a SAICE member you are entitled to the following benefits

SAICE Connect

SAICE Connect is a platform for members to access new employment, networking and mentorship opportunities.

The platform allows potential recruiters to find your resume and is designed to help engineers, technicians, and technologists to grow their careers

SAICE Online events

With the social restrictions we all currently face, SAICE still wants our members to enjoy the benefits of CPD accredited virtual events. We offer you CPD accredited webinars on the latest industry topics to keep you informed and engaged.

SAICE Learning Academy

The Academy offers a multi disciplinary range of books and discounted CPD accredited courses aimed at growing and improving your professional development

Continuing Professional Developement

SAICE offers CPD courses for all civil engineering divisions. Our courses are reviewed, endorsed and accredited by recognised experts and civil engineering practitioners, thereby offering technically sound and approved training to you.

As a member you qualify for a discount of between 5 – 10 % on all courses offered.

CPD Online
In addition to receiving one CPD point annually by virtue of being a
SAICE member you can now also earn your CPD points online
without having to leave your desk:


Increase your professional profile by engaging in our branches, divisions, committees, panels and chapters, and by participating in our events. This is your opportunity to network with clients, government officials, civil engineering executives and fellow engineers. Your membership immediately allows you entry into an extended network of like-minded professionals – where you are able to market your professional services and initiate other commercial
and social initiatives

ECSA fee reduction

Make use of your partial fee reduction in respect of your annual ECSA membership fees. This is available to you year after year.

SAICE APP for Android

Have SAICE in the palm. Connecting with SAICE has never been easier with the ability to receive the latest push notifications, access your member portal easily, purchase SAICE books and browse and book our latest available courses.


SAICE members receive a designated courses and bookstore newsletter monthly to keep you updated on our latest multi disciplinary courses and technical literature on offer.

SAICE Bookshop

Our bookshop has a wide range of technical engineering literature, university textbooks, management and leadership literature as well as South African tourism material. All these materials are also available via our online store.

AMICE subscription fee

SAICE members qualify for a 62.5% discount on an AMICE subscription

Representation for civil engineers

SAICE is involved in the development of policies, standards, structures and systems that impact infrastructure engineering at national and international levels.

One of the rife issues within industry at the moment is the importation of Cuban expertise into our country, to address skills shortage. We have been instrumental in voicing the concerns of the industry towards this matter.

Our representation extends also to Infrastructure Departments in South Africa, international bodies like UNESCO, World Federation of Engineering Organisations (WFEO). SAICE also has strong ties with several international organisations such as the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE), the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) and the World Council of Civil Engineers (WCCE)

SAICE Journal & Magazine

Our informative and award-winning monthly magazine, Civil Engineering, not only features all the technical sub_divisions within civil engineering but also keeps you up to date with various other engineering-related matters, and is handed to decision-makers when SAICE leaders meet with them, thereby illustrating the meaningful contribution that the profession is making to our country.

The quarterly journal, Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering, is internationally accredited and carries peer-reviewed technical papers on cutting-edge engineering research, thereby consistently adding to the body of South African  civil engineering knowledge of which SAICE, as a learned society, is the keeper.


Mediators & Arbitrators

You have direct access to our panel of Mediators and Arbitrators for logical dispute resolutions.

Get free advice

SAICE has partnered with Solace to give you complimentary access to a personal financial coach, a confidential debit counselor, a personal attorney and a personal tax consultant..

AMICE Subscription fee

SAICE members qualify for a 62.5% discount on an AMICE subscription.

Apply now for a SAICE membership

Get access to all these great benefits by becoming a member of SAICE today!

Outreach Community

SAICE runs many successful local and international outreach programmes such as career guidance, awareness campaigns and capacity building for decision makers. We are continually taking civil engineering to the people and increasing its awareness footprint. Some of our key initiatives include:

Civil Talk

We have created a platform in which professional talks are held on controversial topics which influence our country and industry. This event is held quarterly throughout the year. You will be invited to join the talk, which is run by a panel of Engineering professionals, those propitiously educated in their fields and government individuals who provide insight and in-depth knowledge on the related topics.

University Road Shows

Our vision of the various road-shows aimed at university students around the country creates the necessary awareness about the industry. These road-shows help students in developing their networking skills and teaches them to visualize their career paths whilst studying.

International Bridge Building Competition

We initiated the bridge building competition in 1991 to further high school learners’ use of mathematics and science in an engineering context – to encourage learners to consider civil engineering as a career. Because of its practical and hands-on nature, this event is SAICE’s most successful initiative in attracting learners from previously disadvantaged rural and township schools, model C schools and private schools to civil engineering, as well as promoting a general awareness of the civil engineering profession. The competition provides a career guidance opportunity and gives learners the opportunity to also build bridges between people, cultures and countries!

AQUALIBRIUM Schools Competition

This competition aimed at high-school learners – who are tasked to design a water model distribution network. The network familiarises them with the intricacies involved in the design. This is a wonderful opportunity which creates awareness regarding issues surrounding water in the country, spreading the message of water being a precious commodity that should be recycled, re-used, respected and conserved.